Antique Silver



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Antique silver for sale in Barcelona

If you wish to sell antique silver objects, you can contact us through the following link or by accessing the contact section.

If you are interested in viewing or buying antique silver objects, below, we list our items within the section.

Where can I sell silver objects?

If you do not know where to sell silver trays or any other object of this material, in Tandem Antiques we are specialists in buying a wide variety of antique silver objects.

The difference that distinguishes us from a silver dealer is the higher amount in the buy price, while a silver dealer can not pay more than the price of the material itself, in Tandem Antiques we buy the silver object for the quality and seniority of its work, which most of the time implies a selling price for the individual that is much higher than the price of the weight of the material.

If your intention is to sell, we will be able to offer you a correct market price. If, on the contrary, what you want is to buy; we have a selection of pieces and objects worked or worked in sterling silver punched, all of them at market prices. The professionalism in the description of the objects is one of our priorities.

Contact with us

Tandem Antiques, specialized store where to sell your antique silver

The buy and sale of antique silver objects has been consolidating, in recent years, as an activity in continuous growth. The application of silver elements in objects or artistic works made on this material has been a task carried out since centuries ago.. An antique silver object can have value for its workmanship, much more than for the weight of the silver itself.

buy of antique silver objects

In the past, silver objects were generally used in Europe by the upper class of society, being a noble material was used to make objects such as candlesticks, cups, chalices, religious monstrances, trays, etc. all these objects may be of interest to us. On the other hand, in Tandem Antiques we are dedicated to the buy of antique objects in general, painting, sculpture, bargueños furniture, without forgetting our section of modern art in graphic work of recognized artists.

In times of financial weakness, the sale of silver appears as a safe business opportunity. The market for the buy and sale of precious metals has consolidated and, within it, many people choose to sell antique silver objects by weight instead of first assessing the possibility that the object has an added artistic value. We guarantee you the right price for the reality as an artistic piece. We will always take into account the quality of the object treated, its workmanship and of course its age.

We have the experience and the necessary means to buy and sell this type of articles, thanks to our portfolio of clients we can sell these objects and this allows us to continue buying antique pieces of sterling silver. We have a long professional trajectory and the security that gives us the knowledge in the matter, generates us a confidence on the part of our clients that, if they are, it is for the experience of the treatment with us. Tandem Antiques is, in short, a company with long experience in the buy and sale of antiques in general, where we can include our specialization in antique silver objects.

Specialists in silver antiques

From here, we invite you to come to our store in Barcelona, to meet us directly, either to offer us articles or to buy an antique silver piece that someone else has previously chosen to sell us. In case you are interested in selling, we will study the piece to agree a correct price, in the most beneficial way for both. With the maximum professionalism that you can find, at the moment, in a market of the buy and sale of antiques, especially, of antique silver objects.

Categories related to antique silver

Antique silver for sale in Barcelona

If you wish to sell antique silver objects, you can contact us through the following link or by accessing the contact section.

If you are interested in viewing or buying antique silver objects, below, we list our items within the section.

Where can I sell silver objects?

If you do not know where to sell silver trays or any other object of this material, in Tandem Antiques we are specialists in buying a wide variety of antique silver objects.

The difference that distinguishes us from a silver dealer is the higher amount in the buy price, while a silver dealer can not pay more than the price of the material itself, in Tandem Antiques we buy the silver object for the quality and seniority of its work, which most of the time implies a selling price for the individual that is much higher than the price of the weight of the material.

If your intention is to sell, we will be able to offer you a correct market price. If, on the contrary, what you want is to buy; we have a selection of pieces and objects worked or worked in sterling silver punched, all of them at market prices. The professionalism in the description of the objects is one of our priorities.

Contact with us

Tandem Antiques, specialized store where to sell your antique silver

The buy and sale of antique silver objects has been consolidating, in recent years, as an activity in continuous growth. The application of silver elements in objects or artistic works made on this material has been a task carried out since centuries ago.. An antique silver object can have value for its workmanship, much more than for the weight of the silver itself.

buy of antique silver objects

In the past, silver objects were generally used in Europe by the upper class of society, being a noble material was used to make objects such as candlesticks, cups, chalices, religious monstrances, trays, etc. all these objects may be of interest to us. On the other hand, in Tandem Antiques we are dedicated to the buy of antique objects in general, painting, sculpture, bargueños furniture, without forgetting our section of modern art in graphic work of recognized artists.

In times of financial weakness, the sale of silver appears as a safe business opportunity. The market for the buy and sale of precious metals has consolidated and, within it, many people choose to sell antique silver objects by weight instead of first assessing the possibility that the object has an added artistic value. We guarantee you the right price for the reality as an artistic piece. We will always take into account the quality of the object treated, its workmanship and of course its age.

We have the experience and the necessary means to buy and sell this type of articles, thanks to our portfolio of clients we can sell these objects and this allows us to continue buying antique pieces of sterling silver. We have a long professional trajectory and the security that gives us the knowledge in the matter, generates us a confidence on the part of our clients that, if they are, it is for the experience of the treatment with us. Tandem Antiques is, in short, a company with long experience in the buy and sale of antiques in general, where we can include our specialization in antique silver objects.

Specialists in silver antiques

From here, we invite you to come to our store in Barcelona, to meet us directly, either to offer us articles or to buy an antique silver piece that someone else has previously chosen to sell us. In case you are interested in selling, we will study the piece to agree a correct price, in the most beneficial way for both. With the maximum professionalism that you can find, at the moment, in a market of the buy and sale of antiques, especially, of antique silver objects.

Categories related to antique silver



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